Author: admin

  • Father’s Day

    It’s fathers day. I’ve been around for a bunch of fathers days, but this is my first one as a dad (ok, last year I had a daughter too, but I was really sick so it doesn’t really count). Now that I have that perspective, I can really understand why this counts as a holiday…

  • Surgery and new blog

    As many of you know, I had ulcerative colitis for many years and it really caused many problems. Recently I had a surgery, called a colectomy with ileostomy, which has handled the situation terminatedly. Anyway, I avoided doing this surgery for many years, and I don’t know that I would have done it any other…

  • Women and Golf

    Yesterday I went golfing for the first time in a long time. Regardless of my golf game (I actually did pretty well considering my lack of practice), I was noticing the couple golfing behind us while I was waiting for the rest of my family to tee off. It was a husband and wife (though…

  • Here comes the bride…

    I’m solo for a few days while Chris and Daphne are over visiting Chris’ sister and her new baby, so I was finishing up the movie 27 Dresses today while I ate lunch (I fell asleep when Chris and I were watching–no, it’s a cute movie, I was just tired). Anyway, at the end there…

  • Linux vs. Windows

    There are many things that I have yet to run into in the Linux world since I mostly a Windows guy. But since I make web sites, I end up having to deal with servers that run Linux. Anyway, today I ran into something that just had me boggled until I figured it out. I…

  • Traveling Woes

    Chris and I went to New York last week. We had a great time putting around doing the tourist thing with Chris’ family friend George. He was great. Took us to all sorts of neat places and out on a boat on a tour of things that most people will never see. But our trip…

  • Creative Genius

    They say that all creation involves some destruction. If that destruction comes at the beginning of the creation (or before it to pave the way), my daughter is going to be a creative genius. She’s a little over one year old and her favorite past time is taking things apart or finding areas that have…

  • Beginning Failures

    My wife is currently in the progress to building a little outside house for her two bunnies. She’s new to the whole architecture thing and so is having a lot of trouble (not that I am much better), so I went out to see if I could help at all. She was very frustrated and…

  • Global Warming is Bunk

    I never thought much of all of the “global warming” hype. But it’s almost April and it’s snowing on the valley floor in Oregon. Come on. Rain-yes. Snow-Not my cup of tea in this quantity (a lot is fun to play in–just a bit is just cold). Any diehard global warming supporters should just come…

  • Eating Whatever

    I had Ulcerative Colitis for about a decade. In that time I tried endless things to handle it, including various diets. None of these worked for me, but I did learn over the years which foods I had to avoid because they inevitably caused problems: broccoli, seeds, certain tomato products when I wasn’t feeling perfectly,…